Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ayla: Young Life

One of the greatest things about being a kid is playing dress up.  My son, Leo, can't get through the week without spending at least a few minutes fighting crime in his Wolverine costume or patrolling the neighborhood for bad guys as Spider-Man.  I love the way kids use their imaginations to completely transform their surroundings into a wonderful, magical place.

Speaking of magic, garden gnomes are mysterious little creatures who are reputed to either wreak havoc in or bring life to a garden.  After spending the afternoon with Ayla in her new gnome costume from Loulou Tutu, I think she's the latter type.  Ayla is nothing but sweetness.  Once again, I had to talk myself off the "maybe we could try for a girl" ledge.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day

You don't have to be Irish to wear green on St. Patty's Day!  Here are some images to get you in the mood for some good old fashioned Irish fun.  I'm excited to catch up with some of my best friends this weekend for an overnight at Purdue (the greatest school EVER!).  Students are on break...more green beer for us.  Erin Go Bragh and Top O' The Mornin' To Ya!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Laundry Time

Our washing machine bit the dust last week.  It wasn't a total biting of the dust, however, as we can still do laundry.  We just have to be sure to throw down three or four towels to soak up the water and suds that leak from the door of our beloved front-loader.  Our new washer will be here in one more week.  In the meantime we are scraping the depths of our closets to avoid flooding our house.  I found these cute shirts in Jake & Bode's closet this morning, and I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures.  They are taking this world by well they should.

I think it's funny that only Jakey has my curls so far, considering they are identical twins.  Poor Bode is a little behind on curls (and weight).

What Bode lacks in size, he sure makes up for in charisma.  This boy is a fighter!

Big brother Leo was busy playing with the 'big kids' today and flying kites with Daddy, but he did stop for this quick shot.  He amazes me every single day.  Not once has he lashed out at the twins or shown signs of jealousy.  His only complaint is that they can't run and play big kid games yet.

Don't forget to 'spring' forward tonight!  Peace.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Carol & Greg: Love Life

Their first date lasted almost eight hours and by the time dinner rolled around Carol knew that she could trust Greg with her heart.

Carol and Greg share a deep faith as well as a concern for the environment. Their wedding was truly a reflection of their belief that "We are all One," which is why I love the next two images.  The light painted a face behind Greg's left shoulder and on top of his profile.

I couldn't get enough of Carol's grandson. Those eyes and that smile were enough to make me think about having another baby.  On second thought, I think I'll quit while I'm ahead and stick to photographing other people's babies. ;-)

This image is straight out-of-camera.  The stained glass windows were my friend that day. Carol is such a beauty!

Carol and Greg designed their wedding bands, and they invited guests to symbolically place a blessing, wish or hope for their future together on the rings.

The altar was designed by Sr. Mary Southard, and it signifies that we are all one with all of creation.

There's nothing better than shooting a wedding with tasty food.  Two Mothers Foods set a new standard for DE-LISH! O.M.G. the carrot ginger soup sips were out of this world.  Yummy!  Two Mothers Foods is located in Naperville and they focus on providing delicious food in a way that reduces waste.  Check them out.

Kathryn Ingrish of Divine Desserts in Geneva made the beautiful and delicious cake.

Carol’s sons surprised her with a beautiful toast.

Carol & Greg, I am thrilled to have been a part of your wedding day.  I wish you much happiness and love always!