Monday, July 20, 2009

Sometimes the light is perfect, the subject is perfect, the feeling is perfect, and the day is perfect. Yesterday was one of those days.
Brynn is such a smart little girl. She wasn't falling for my usual tricks, but I did get some cute smiles out of her.
There's nothing like a girl and her pooch...
...or a guy and his pooch
Kelly is due to have a baby boy in September...I'm still waiting for her belly to start showing ;). She's so stinkin cute prego!
Kelly brought these balloons along, and they totally rocked against this red barn. Good call, Kel.
This is one of my favorites from the day
Work it, own it! :D
A quick costume change for Kelly and Brynn
Kelly, Chad, Brynn, Berks, and "Baby Brother," thanks for a great day! Brynn, I hope you got an extra scoop of ice cream for being such a good girl ;) xo

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Faye we love them! Thank you so much. You captured exactly what I was hoping you would and these are photos I will keep close to my heart. You guys are up next ;)