Thursday, February 6, 2014

Her lobster and an album giveaway!

I have a new obsession with Pinterest. I realize I am about three years late to the party on this, but nevertheless I'm hooked. I never understood what all the fuss was about until a few weeks ago when my account got hacked. Why anyone would care to hack my Pinterest page is beyond me. I wasn't a "pinner."  I didn't get the whole "pinning" thing.  I went on there to figure out how to tie a scarf and check on some wedding trends, and I think I had a total of five pins when it happened...I'm sure said hacker felt a little silly when s/he opened up my page to find the weave scarf tying technique and a few holiday crafts for toddlers. But I digress, my account was hacked so I had to set things straight.

Enter Kelly and Ross. I walked into their house for their maternity session and my jaw dropped.  My inner interior design goddess started shouting things like, "I want that, I love that, I need that, how'd they do THAT?!?"

Ross and Kelly's home spoke to me: in this house we love.  I can't wait to meet baby Emma next month and see how her parents show her what love is all about.

I had to get down to business, though I could have spent hours gushing over all of the personal touches that Kelly and Ross chose in order to transform their house into a home.  While shooting, I asked about the "Love" signs above their bed and the artwork in Emma's room.  I learned not only that Kelly is an avid "pinner" but also that Ross is an avid "doer."  She's got the ideas and Ross makes her ideas a reality.  They are a great team.  He's her lobster.

Kelly's dad created these two amazing paintings for Emma's nursery. Notice her name?  Ross put up the crown molding in the nursery.

Custom bookshelves a la Ross.

When I left Kelly and Ross's house, I felt inspired to get back to my own home projects. We moved last June and slowly but surely we've been turning our new house into a home. Jay and I had just finished painting and decorating the twins' Mickey Mouse themed bedroom the day before Kelly and Ross's session. Okay, so really it was all Jay. He fired me after I got more red paint on the carpet and baseboards than on the walls.  Ironically, however, when I arrived home that afternoon Jay was standing at the door with a look of absolute horror.  "Go see what the twins did," he said.  I wish I could post the before picture.  The one that showed all of the time and effort Jay put into creating a Mickey Mouse belt and carefully placing all of the Mickey ears and Mickey characters.  He turned the beds so each boy had a great view of their pals on the wall.  But no such picture exists because the twins decided to redecorate, and this is all that remains.

A torso-less Mickey with no friends, no clubhouse, and nothing cool to "pin" about.

So, I got to work reclaiming my Pinterest page and looking for things that inspire me.  I've enjoyed seeing what my friends have pinned and looking for new ways to express myself.  Not surprisingly, I find that I pin at least one food item (if not more) each day.  I love to eat!  Can I decorate my house with food?

And now for the giveaway. This is a giveaway for new clients or existing clients.  Check out my Pinterest page and if you like what you see, follow me.  Repin one of my PFL pictures and you'll be entered twice.  Not a pinner?  That's ok you can still enter by leaving a comment on this post.  If you become a blog subscriber I'll throw in another entry for you.  Finally, you can 'like' my Facebook page.  Leave a comment on the page (privacy issues don't always show me who has liked the page) and I'll enter you in the drawing.

What's the prize?  I'm offering a new product called the pocket album, and I'd like to unveil it with this giveaway. A pocket album is fifty of your favorite session images sent directly to your smart phone or tablet.  The images have my logo on them, and they can be uploaded to your favorite sharing site or sent to your favorite family member.  They are a great way to showcase your PFL photos.

I'll announce the winner on Valentine's Day...because all you need is love. xoxoxo Happy pinning. :-)

Kelly and Ross, thank you for just being awesome.  I can't wait to meet baby Emma (and see your beautiful house again). :-)


Unknown said...

Uh oh - you've got the Pinterest bug... good luck! ;)

I love the "All you need is..." signs - that is really awesome.

I made one of the ruler growth charts for my boys, and we love it.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the story that goes along with your photos! They sound like a delightful couple and I absolutely love what they did around their home. I'm especially jealous of the Beatles' Yellow Submarine picture they have, hehe. You take amazing photos by the way, loved see them!

Emma @ Our Whimsical Days said...

Pinterest can be addictive - they should put that as a disclaimer on the first page! Your photography is amazing!

Heather said...

What a lovely photoshoot. I'm not a Pinterest person either but I found it's quite a good way to organize your blog topics visually and also it brings in traffic.

Unknown said...

I've been afraid to do Pinterest because I just know I would fall into it and never come out! Stopping by from SITS Girls

Elle said...

So beautiful... your pictures and their personal touches!


Erin said...

Decorate with food? Why not? Just have a food fight. ;)

And meeting your baby is the absolute best thing in the world. I met my first 4 months ago today and it has only gotten better since then. I hope you're feeling well in this last stretch--this was the hardest time for me only because I was SO anxious to meet our little one!

Dina said...

I love maternity photos they are the cutest! So sweet!!!!!

Gailyc said...

Gorgeous photos! I wish you lived locally so I could hire you to document my little boy through his various stages. Stopping by from SITS Girls Comment Love Tribe. Have a great day!

Emily D. said...

I have a lot of friends who create what they Pin on Pinterest as well, and some of the stuff they have made is amazing! I should probably get on the making of my pins bandwagon too. :) Have fun pinning and creating. It is definitely addicting overall! Your photography is wonderful and I love the photos from this session!! Wow.. they have some awesome creations from Pinterest! Stopping in from #SITSblogging Have a great day!

Holly @ My Plant-Based Family said...

So cute! My kids nursery's were always pretty bare. I'm hoping to spruce up their play room soon though!

Photography by Faye Licari said...

Thanks, Dianna. I love the ruler growth chart too. I'm hoping my husband will make one for the boys.

Unknown said...

That home is gorgeous! I guess your boys are over the Mickey image! That's too funny! Welcome to the world of Pinterest. Try to time your pinning sessions so that you don't catch yourself up pinning at 4am!

Stopping by with comment love from the SITS girls!

Photography by Faye Licari said...

Thanks for the kind comments! I've managed to keep my Pinterest obsession under control...for the most part. :-)

LazyHippieMama said...

Aw. :( Poor Mickey! LOL. I am an avid pinner. I must have thousands of pins. Now if someone could just come make them all happen for me that would be great!

Dre said...

I love the personal touches they've added to their home! I'm swooning over the yellow submarine painting as well as the one with Emma's name painted into the scene.

I'm addicted to Pinterest, too. I usually use it for makeup look, style, and recipe inspiration. I have a ton of home improvement ideas pinned that I have yet to try, though. I need to get on that. Perhaps I could present my ideas to J and he can be the "doer" lol

Your photography is beautiful, btw :-)

diane said...

Kelly & Ross are so creative. Thank you for telling their story. (and your photography is beautiful)


Dropping by from SITS girls today.

Erica Chao said...

I love all the pregnancy pictures. I got sidetracked by them because my preemie came at 30wks so I didn't have a chance to do any. Pinterest and Pregnancy go hand in hand. Have fun!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from #SITSBlogging! Enjoyed this post and great pictures!

Gina Jacobs Thomas said...

I've gotten many great ideas from Pinterest, though the vast majority of them don't make it to fruition. But it's a pretty fun time suck! That stinks that the twins destroyed your hard work! But at least you've got the decor bug and motivation to work on it again.

Holly said...

Gorgeous shots! #SITSblogging

Unknown said...

Such beautiful photography!! I love their home, it is so personal and you can feel the love. Congratulations to the expecting couple, that baby girl is blessed :) #sitsblogging

Emily @ Words I Wheel By said...

I totally understand why you wanted and needed everything in that house. How adorable. That was such a cute little Pinterest story. I had fun looking at your pics too!

Herchel S. said...

Your photography is beautiful and so is Kelly's house. My sister has a Pinterest home and I really really wish I could decorate my home as beautifully with my rug rats tearing it up. The ruler on the wall was adorable.

Photography by Faye Licari said...

Thanks for the comments! Working on my Valentine's post. Stay tuned.

I Am Boymom said...

You photos are magnificent and definitely the caliber that help create a warm and inviting environment in a home! I need to work harder and making my home a beautiful, lovely place. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from #SITSBlogging.

Gabby said...

My best ideas come from Pinterest!! Happy Pinning!! Found you via SITS!!